Friday, July 26, 2013

Long Time, No Blog

Greetings pals and gals!

It has indeed been a while since I've posted anywhere but Twitter, but I have a feeling you'll forgive me.

Life, friends, sneaks up on you. As of this fall, I will be a college senior, which scares the pants off me! Most of my peers are forming plans for grad school that involve the GRE and minor freak-outs. Me? I'm thinking about grad school, but my gut says, "Katie, it's not for you. You're meant to go in a different direction. Also, I'm hungry. Nachos would be appreciated." And I say to my gut, "Bro, you are totally right! Or are you? I'm not too sure. Should I trust you? The results of the GRE last for 5 years, and I'm probably going to forget ALL the things if I postpone it. Should I just grit my teeth and get it over with? And gut, I must disappoint you; No tengo nachos." Sidenote: it's normal to have conversations with body parts, right? That's not me making it weird. Nope, definitely normal.

I continue to be in this awkward limbo of emotions. On one side of the spectrum, I'm going into my senior year. I know the ropes and have done my time at the bottom of the food chain. I've gone from an awkward freshman to a somewhat-with-it sophomore to a gettin-jiggy-with-it junior. Now is my time to be a super fly senior and own this place. But, let's be honest, this scenario is going to turn into one of those "expectation/reality" posts on Tumblr.



I hear trashcans are lovely this time of the year.

The other side of the spectrum consists of wondering what lies ahead. At my school, we exist in a bubble. Two bubbles, actually. There's the bubble that holds the college which exists inside the bubble of the town. I am DYING to break out of both, but that means venturing into the unknown. Am I ready? Boy, I sure hope so.

Not to worry, though. I have the rest of this year to fully formulate and execute a flawless life plan that will end with me being happy while juggling all the other obligations. Man, life is rough. But this is the point where we inhale and exhale because ain't nobody got time to be anxious!

If you are in a cluster of conflicting emotions, may I suggest a song by the always wonderful Keb' Mo' to ease your mind.

Life is beautiful, life is wonderous
Every star above is shining just for us
Life is beautiful, on a stormy night
Somewhere in the world the sun is shining bright
Until next time.